Download microsoft visual studio 2008 professional edition free
Download microsoft visual studio 2008 professional edition free

It supports code completion and provides database server management tools. Visual InterDevVisual InterDev allows you to create web apps using Microsoft Active Server Pages technologies. Visual Studio 2005 included J#, but Visual Studio 2008 has removed it. However, the technology was repurposed into Visual J#, Microsoft’s Java compiler for.NET Framework. The litigation by Sun Microsystems led to the end of J#. Microsoft Visual J++/Microsoft Visual J#Microsoft Visual J++ is Microsoft’s implementation for Java (with Microsoft-specific extensions and associated language services). It also includes a runtime that can be embedded in applications so they can expose its features using the.NET object modeling.

download microsoft visual studio 2008 professional edition free

VSTA is a custom IDE that uses the Visual Studio 2005 IDE. It comes with Office 2007 as well as the Visual Studio 2005 SDK.

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